
Ação de trabalhador marítimo gaúcho deve ser julgada em Macaé (RJ)

A competência foi definida pelo local da prestação de serviços.

Navio mercante em porto

Navio mercante em porto

03/02/21 – A Oitava Turma do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho decidiu que a competência para processar e julgar a reclamação trabalhista ajuizada por um trabalhador marítimo contra a Pan Marine do Brasil Ltda. é do juízo do local da contratação e da prestação de serviço (no caso, Macaé, no Rio de Janeiro), e não de Rio Grande (RS), onde residia e onde havia ingressado com a ação.


O trabalhador havia atuado na função de condutor de máquinas por cerca de dois anos, até ser demitido sem justa causa, com aviso-prévio indenizado. Ao ajuizar a ação na cidade em que residia, sustentou que, em seu trabalho, comparecia em diversos portos e que não teria meios de se deslocar até Macaé.

A empresa, em sua defesa, questionou a competência da Vara do Trabalho de Rio Grande, com o argumento de que o empregado jamais havia trabalhado ali ou em qualquer outro município do Rio Grande do Sul. 


O Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 4ª Região (RS), no entanto, reconheceu a competência da Vara local. Para o TRT, não é razoável nem racionalmente necessário impor ao trabalhador a obrigação de se deslocar cerca de 2.100 km até Macaé para buscar a satisfação de direitos que deveriam ter sido satisfeitos quando ainda estava em vigor o seu contrato ou imediatamente após o seu encerramento. 

Competência territorial

A relatora do recurso de revista da empresa, ministra Dora Maria da Costa, destacou que a competência territorial, nos dissídios individuais, está disciplinada no artigo 651 da CLT, que adota, como regra, que o juízo competente é o do local em que ocorre a prestação do serviço e, excepcionalmente, o do local da contratação. A ministra reconhece, em seu voto, que esses critérios têm sido flexibilizados em situações excepcionais, como forma de garantir o acesso ao Poder Judiciário, previsto no artigo 5º, inciso XXXV, da Constituição da República. Entretanto, a seu ver, essa flexibilização não pode ser ampliada para o caso analisado, pois o local da prestação de serviços e da contratação não coincidem com o de residência do empregado, e a empresa não atua em âmbito nacional.

Segundo a relatora, havendo norma específica a respeito da matéria no processo do trabalho, não está configurada a hipótese que inviabilizaria o acesso ao judiciário.

A decisão foi unânime.


Processo: RR-20661-32.2013.5.04.0123    

O TST possui oito Turmas, cada uma composta de três ministros, com a atribuição de analisar recursos de revista, agravos, agravos de instrumento, agravos regimentais e recursos ordinários em ação cautelar. Das decisões das Turmas, a parte ainda pode, em alguns casos, recorrer à Subseção I Especializada em Dissídios Individuais (SBDI-1).

Esta matéria tem cunho meramente informativo.
Permitida a reprodução mediante citação da fonte.
Secretaria de Comunicação Social
Tribunal Superior do Trabalho
Tel. (61) 3043-4907

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Encerramento de ações trabalhistas durante a pandemia garantiu pagamento de mais de R$ 30 bilhões

Desse total, R$ 12,6 bilhões são oriundos de execuções, e R$ 13,4 bilhões de acordos entre as partes.

Fachada da sede do TST e do CSJT

Fachada da sede do TST e do CSJT

03/02/21 – A Justiça do Trabalho garantiu, em 2020, o pagamento de mais de R$ 30 bilhões em dívidas trabalhistas durante a pandemia, com o encerramento de processos por meio da conciliação ou da execução em 2020. Desse total, R$ 12,6 bilhões são oriundos de execuções (41,93%), R$ 13,4 bilhões de acordos entre as partes (44,53%) e R$ 4 bilhões de pagamentos espontâneos (13,54%).

No período, foram encerrados 757.994 processos na fase de execução, que permitiram o pagamento de valores a pessoas que tinham garantido o direito ao recebimento, mas ainda aguardavam o encerramento da ação. Esses recursos foram efetivamente quitados e ajudaram, de alguma forma, a movimentar a economia neste período de agravamento da crise econômica. 

“Em momentos de crise sanitária e econômica, é essencial que as pessoas que buscam a Justiça do Trabalho tenham acesso às verbas de direito garantidas judicialmente”, afirma o ministro Cláudio Brandão, do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST), coordenador da Comissão Nacional de Efetividade da Execução Trabalhista. “O recebimento desse recurso, em muitos casos, garante a subsistência e, ainda, estimula diretamente a economia, tão abalada pelos impactos da pandemia”.


A solução consensual entre as partes, uma das principais políticas da Justiça do Trabalho, também ensejou, no mesmo período, o pagamento de R$ 13,4 bilhões, por meio de conciliação ou mediação, sem que houvesse a penhora de bens. 


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Forex Trading

Best Chart And Candlestick Signals For Trades

candlestick patterns for day trading

The candlestick charting technique was developed in Japan over 300 years ago. Initially used to track the price of rice, it was later adapted to the stock market and other assets. Its historical relevance and effectiveness have stood the test of time, making it a go-to method for traders worldwide. Another key candlestick signal to watch out for are long tails, especially when they’re combined with small bodies. Long tails represent an unsuccessful effort of buyers or sellers to push the price in their favored direction, only to fail and have the price return to near the open. Just such a pattern is the doji shown below, which signifies an attempt to move higher and lower, only to finish out with no change.

Strategies for Day Trading with Candlestick Patterns

This is the foundation of why candlesticks are significant to chart readers. The spring is when the stock tests the low of a range, but then swiftly comes back into trading zone and sets off a new trend. One common mistake traders make is waiting for the last swing low to be reached. However, as you’ve probably realised already, trading setups don’t usually meet your precise requirements so don’t stress about a few pennies. Once you’re in the red zone the end goal is in sight, and that one hundred pip winner within reach.

Nifty & Bank Nifty Crashing This Week? (Expert Options Strategy Included!)

This is unlike candlesticks, which are the most popular charts. Other types of charts you will encounter in the market are bar charts, step lines, histograms, circles, renko, and columns among others. The best color for a candle on a chart is subjective and depends on personal preference.

Use Multiple Time Frames

In case of a downtrend which denotes the bearishness, i.e. there are more sellers than buyers at that instant of time. In this article, candlestick patterns for day trading I will share what are candlestick patterns. And a beginner like you, how you can trade effectively by analyzing them correctly.

A candlestick is a way of displaying information about an asset’s price movement. Candlestick charts are one of the most popular components of technical analysis, enabling traders to interpret price information quickly and from just a few price bars. Bar charts and candlestick charts show the same information, just in a different way. Candlestick charts are more visual due to the color coding of the price bars and thicker real bodies. Highlighting prices this way makes it easier for some traders to view the difference between the open and close. Candlestick patterns are not usually applicable in range-bound markets.

In no time, you’ll be scanning those candlesticks like a pro looking for your next profitable trade. The patterns are there waiting for you – you just need to know what to look for. You will sound really smart at gatherings if you say “bullish reversal pattern.” That’s a side benefit of knowing this stuff. Just as the high represents the power of the bulls, the low represents the power of the bears. The lowest price in the candle is the limit of how strong the bears were during that session. Emotions and psychology were paramount to trading in the 1700s, just as they are today.

This means you’ll definitely be in a stock with volatility, an essential component for turning an intraday profit. They first originated in the 18th century where they were used by Japanese rice traders. Since Steve Nison introduced them to the West with his 1991 book ‘Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques’, their popularity has surged. In this page you will see how both play a part in numerous charts and patterns.

After the final bounce off support (resistance), the turnaround upward breakout triggers entry. The best way to learn to read candlestick patterns is to practise entering and exiting trades from the signals they give. If you don’t feel ready to trade on live markets, you can develop your skills in a risk-free environment by opening an IG demo account.

You can develop your skills in a risk-free environment by opening an IG demo account, or if you feel confident enough to start trading, you can open a live account today. The bullish harami is the opposite of the upside-down bearish harami. A downtrend is in play, and a small real body (green or white) occurs inside the large real body (red or black) of the previous day. If it is followed by another up day, more upside could be forthcoming.

Adam received his master’s in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The Bullish Engulfing pattern is a two-candle reversal pattern. Finally, there are periods when an asset is usually in a tight range.

Hopefully at this point in your trading career you’ve come to know that candlesticks are important. Not only do they provide a visual representation of price on a chart, but they tell a story. While there are some ways to predict markets, technical analysis is not always a perfect indication of performance.

An engulfing line is a strong indicator of a directional change. A bearish engulfing line is a reversal pattern after an uptrend. The key is that the second candle’s body “engulfs” the prior day’s body in the opposite direction.

It is also struggling with VWAP, the red indicator line on the chart below. Events such as earnings reports or geopolitical occurrences can have an immediate effect on candlestick patterns. They often disrupt the relationship between supply and demand, impacting the support and resistance level of stock prices. The 3 Candlestick Rule is a trading strategy that involves examining the last three candles in a chart to predict future price movement.

A hammer candle reversal has a small body with long lower tail. Here, in the Dark Cloud Cover pattern, we see that buyers gave out, and the price dropped low enough to be of concern. We will be looking at when to get out of a falling position. Use a sell stop order, which sells at the next available price after a price you designate. Successful traders evaluate the potential profit vs. the potential loss for each trade.

candlestick patterns for day trading

In the inverted hammer pattern, shown above, the hammerhead is at the bottom. Some make more sense than others, probably because traders were having fun making them up. You’ll understand them better if you see the explanation as you go – but don’t worry about gravestone dojis, dragonfly dojis, bullish haramis and bearish haramis for now.

As you study this chart, pay close attention to the volume and how it corresponds with each candle. Occasionally the market gifts us with a nice double top failure in an overall downtrend. RIOT gave us this opportunity intraday recently as it pulled back from the morning lows, only to find resistance at vwap.

  1. They can help identify a change in trader sentiment where buyer pressure overcomes seller pressure.
  2. The confirmation comes with the breakdown on the longer bodied bearish candle.
  3. After a downtrend, the first green candle closing above resistance indicates an upside entry.
  4. If the chart is a daily one, it means that each candlestick represents a day.

Discover 16 of the most common candlestick patterns and how you can use them to identify trading opportunities. Patterns are separated into two categories, bullish and bearish. Bullish patterns indicate that the price is likely to rise, while bearish patterns indicate that the price is likely to fall.

The Inverted Hammer also forms in a downtrend and represents a likely trend reversal or support. These tools are important for risk management in the market. Finally, you should avoid the mistake of not doing a multi-timeframe analysis. Backtesting is an important part when building a trading strategy. It is the process where you use historical data to assess the effectiveness of a chart pattern. Other patterns are morning and evening star, shooting star, and Dojis.

The hanging man is the bearish equivalent of a hammer; it has the same shape but forms at the end of an uptrend. The only difference being that the upper wick is long, while the lower wick is short. A slight variation of this pattern is when the second day gaps up slightly following the first long up day. Everything else about the pattern is the same; it just looks a little different. When that variation occurs, it’s called a “bullish mat hold.” If you want to learn option trading in India than this post is for you.

Trading with Japanese candlestick patterns has become increasingly popular in recent decades, as a result of the easy to glean and detailed information they provide. This makes them ideal for charts for beginners to get familiar with. Below is a break down of three of the most popular candlestick patterns used for day trading in India, the UK, and the rest of the world. It is formed of a long red body, followed by three small green bodies, and another red body – the green candles are all contained within the range of the bearish bodies.